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Comments on song "Aansoo Samajh Ke Kyon"
jupiter574 on February 24, 2010
One of the most beautiful songs of Indian cinema. Amazing depth of feelings conveyed with an economy of words - like they don't do any more. Very poetic and philosophical lyrics which can only be understood by those who have gone through it.Very sensitive voice of Talat Mehmood.
parmar75 on May 10, 2010
what a song. the voice touches u deep inside ur heart. old songs used to
have so much feelings. songs used to convey the feelings n pain of the
buttesanjeevan on December 12, 2010
talat mahmood had a very silky and vibrating voice. he had delivered
limited but true gems of songs. he had his his style that made him stand
apart !
Amitabha Dasmunshi on July 09, 2011
Sunil dutt was human god.
Amitabha Dasmunshi on July 09, 2011
Sunil dutt was human god.So he will live for ever in the follower's heart.
DR ARTI SAHAI on June 04, 2015
no comparison
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