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Comments on song "Ang Se Ang Laga Le Sanso Me Hai Tufaan"
raazeewe on January 05, 2011 great rare upload thanks for sharing
lvrangarao on March 24, 2011 beautiful song with erotic meaning.
MyKaempfer on February 21, 2012 Great Shankar Jaikishan!!
ATS on September 29, 2012 Before Mr. India there was Élan. Before 'Kate naheen katte'was 'ang se ang
manwarmoghal on December 20, 2012 one of the last good musical movies of Shankar Jaikishan
manwarmoghal on August 11, 2013 wonder... it's not Asha... but Asha's genre by Lata... Shankar Jaikishan's
Navin Kumar Sharma on August 17, 2013 One of the best songs by Lata ji.
great rare upload thanks for sharing