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Lucky Ali, Gauri Karnik

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Comments on song "Ave Maria Gracia Plena"
EricSnowey on April 11, 2011
@jewelmarkess you seem to know better than I. so, probably you are right.
tested2comply on April 12, 2011
after 2 years of listening to this magical rendition, it still manages to instill a swarm of chills running across my lower towards my head and finally climaxing at the crown of my skull. I love this classic, Barbara Bonney is one amazing and inspirational singer.
iiaea on April 12, 2011
definitely the best rendition, when it sounds like an angel and not human, it has to be the best haha

SuperYoungtev on April 12, 2011
enya - may it be. truly beautiful also!
elrollo on April 12, 2011
I love this song so much, it never fails to bring tears to my eyes
JCfhlim on April 12, 2011
By sleight of hand, this sacred rendering has been switched to "Maria Callas"'s.
dJgRuMo on April 12, 2011
tullyscurry on April 12, 2011
@Belatrousemcheddine Good on you; but your faith shouldn't determine you likes, feel free to like what you want friend! :)

mixmartialartist1 on April 12, 2011
@heelfan1234 Don't belive in religion then just belive in god. At list the way you want to and at list the way you already do
Akirilus on April 12, 2011
search for ''cowboy bebop ave maria'' there is a version of this song by a man , also very impressive
pipe99chumby on April 13, 2011
no words... this is like trying to explain pain or joy
JAWZxz on April 13, 2011
@Belatrousemcheddine Go blow something up
ShamankingZuty on April 14, 2011
This song is so beautiful; I love it! And I don't follow any religion or believe in really anything, but I can still sit back, relax, and listen to this music and appreciate it's beauty.

52VALdu on April 14, 2011
magnifique !! une voix d'une pureté parfaite une voix et une musique qui met tellement et vous donne tellemet !!!
jjj29871 on April 14, 2011
You can tell straight away that that is not Callas, because I love Callas, however this is a truly beautiful rendition!
671january on April 15, 2011
@23karioka thats y they used it in the game HITMAN:BLOOD MONEY

40warhawkp on April 15, 2011
@Belatrousemcheddine Forgive me for being a rude nasty hateful person but Islam and all those who practice it belong in North Africa. Not Here. Please go home.
40warhawkp on April 15, 2011
@rockisdead25 Barbara Bonney.
sassarooch on April 15, 2011
Every morning I feed my 2 horses with this exact version piped out into their stalls. Very relaxing for them and i know they get more quality out of their nutrients being able to eat in such a peaceful environment. Not usual for an animal that is preyed upon. Lovely!
Rustina61 on April 15, 2011
Two things people should never argue about: Religion and Politics. I plan to sit back and just enjoy the beauty of this song.
SuperDutyF350Mark on April 15, 2011
I have a very Special Devotion to the Blessed Mother for all of Her Assistance throughout my life's terrible turbulence. This is one of the most Blessed and Beautiful songs ever concieved & written to Honour Her. Thank you for posting and sharing this with us all. I have now listen to this 5 times and shed tears each time. God Bless you!

SuperDutyF350Mark on April 15, 2011
I have a very Special Devotion to the Blessed Mother for all of Her Assistance throughout my life's terrible turbulence. This is one of the most Blessed and Beautiful songs ever concieved & written to Honour Her. Thank you for posting and sharing this with us all. I have now listen to this 5 times and shed tears each time. God Bless you!

uretitibeach on April 16, 2011
Ohhh Shut up and enjoy the song!
IceberginAustralia on April 16, 2011
The singer is Barbara Bonney in case anybody is wondering. It's lovely but I'm sure there are better or at least equally good renditions of Ave Maria.
trackerinblue on April 16, 2011
@Breiti1995 You are a sorry excuse for a human being. You are ignorant, hateful, and woefully UNINFORMED. You should look in a mirror and see if that is a child's mind or an adult who is mature and has lived in the world looking back at you. God forgive you.
MrRightFFM2 on April 16, 2011
@Belatrousemcheddine Why? Maria is also mentioned in the holy Quoran as "Mariam"
AngieTheTurtle on April 16, 2011
last night before I F5'd, this video had 9,909,808 views!
Now it has 9,914,495!

Another sign that this piece is beautiful~<3
pgbhz on April 16, 2011
LoL god is such a lie but religious chants make my day
tiadawn100 on April 17, 2011
...i think i'm in love...
SJA2Hershey on April 17, 2011
Beautiful! I just posted this same song which I taped -- a prelude at a church wedding -- sung by a very talented young vocalist.
coha92 on April 17, 2011
MrRightFFM2 on April 17, 2011
@Gulcicek81 That's what I've said..
1419sunnyside on April 18, 2011
Absolutely beautiful in whatever language.Thank you,sir.
HeliVis on April 18, 2011
Hey I think this is the version of Maria they used for the Film adaptation of "Needful Things". This was the track that Leland Gaunt was admiring while the whole town was in demo mode! It is much more honest and "real" than the pop-ish Beyonce and Dion versions and the most cinematic I feel. Very nice I have this version on CD and was surprised someone had also preferred it over the hoi-polloi versions.
deathproof1688 on April 18, 2011
Hmmmm... for some reason I feel like playing some Hitman: Blood Money
heelfan1234 on April 18, 2011
@mixmartialartist1 Why do we have to believe in anything? So long as we don't go around harming people and get on with our own lives I don't see what difference it makes.

Religious people (of all persuasions, including deists) seem to feel the need to try to tell others about their faith and "convert" others to the same. The fact is, most have just been brainwashed early in their life. If they had been brought up in a different religion they would believe in that instead.
FirasTeinz on April 18, 2011
@painpopping hhhh okk this song is apprently made to worship christianity , but christians now think that christianity means that GOD has a son which is a Horrible thing to say...Jesus is a's all in Holy Quran...the last religion that has been delivered to the humans...u understand?
Interioroutbreak69 on April 18, 2011
big bang, evolution, humanity. If there is a god, he does NOT intervene, and he is NOT like the god of the bible, kuran, or torah. Common sense and scientific knowledge can tell you this.
FirasTeinz on April 18, 2011
@waseatenbyagrue i advice you to try to take even i look at the holy me :D i was curious about your religion christianity...and read bible and watched movies.but believe me GOD sent the christianity to earth but then after he sent the Islamic message n people were supposed to (((update))) themselves with the newest message but those who didnt r nowadays christians!!
123JohnMorgan on April 18, 2011
beautiful, check my channel
musicislife748 on April 19, 2011
Why should a really beautiful song bring out such awful religious fights? Does it matter? This song is about pure love, so stop dirtying it with your awful hate of each other.
safiro2010 on April 19, 2011
TripBoomLikeThat on April 19, 2011
I think someone needs to form a religion based on peace and love - before we kill each other.
All we do now is use religion as an excuse to hate our fellow man. We dont need that.
waseatenbyagrue on April 19, 2011
@FirasTeinz The problem is that Islam can be run in many different ways, and the nature of religion is such that you cannot question what clerics say. If a cleric says - fight for Islam and slay the infidels, well, what do his followers do? When everyone realizes there is no god and quits following what is it some book of ancient fairy tales, the world will be in a better place. Use critical thinking, do not rely on some imaginary god to tell you how to behave.
FirasTeinz on April 19, 2011
@waseatenbyagrue hmmm imaginary god u say...i understand u want to talk logically, well from where did this SUN that we see everyday come , who created the human being in such an incredible and great way!!! who created the mountains,the answer is not the big bang theory my friend or any other theory, it's GOD ALLAH!! the only god and now one is like ALLAH, and the holy books are not some fairy tails, as much as it hurts to hear that, but they are from ALLAH! i advice you again to read QURAN
bd9598 on April 19, 2011
@rosesmells Thanks! I love it!
FirasTeinz on April 19, 2011
@waseatenbyagrue ok you remind of myself when i was young, i always wanted proof!! why n why?? ok look, why do we exist..the answer is that the GOD created us,prophet mohamed was the last messanger from god to deliver ISLAM, he was a normal guy until GOD's spoken to him through QURAN the holy words...those words that r stll alive til now, y do u thin pple ddnt forget'em, be cause it's coming from ALLAH,i know it's so haaaaard to believe but trust me, i ask you to believe! may GOD help you
waseatenbyagrue on April 19, 2011
@FirasTeinz The same reason you so easily dismiss Christianity is the same reason others dismiss Islam. So at least you see the humor of it. All the talk of Jesus and the evidence of resurrection means nothing to you, right? It's just a book, nothing more. Well I feel this way about all religions. You are an atheist with regard to 999 religions out there. Be an atheist to one more, Islam, and you will then see the truth of things.
FirasTeinz on April 19, 2011
@tombasium wut r u talkin about,i don't mix music wtih religiion so take a seat bro!
PersonalPariah on April 19, 2011
Thumbs up if you're listening to this because of Hitman: Blood Money.
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