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Comments on song "Main Hoon Madam Bawri Surat Meri Sawali Sabse Hasin Sabse Juda"
Aziee4u on February 15, 2011 Truly a rare retro gem by Usha Khanna. Thanks for sharing.
Pashambay Baloch on February 15, 2011 Helen has given a new dimention to Indian film dance sequence. Very
talented artist who always fetched glamour in screen
imranzaidi6 on February 15, 2011 Helen,undoubtedly was one of the best the cabaret dancers of her times.Her
performance in this song,certainly, shows her elegance and artistic
skills,that are so pleasing to watch! Thanks Arshia.
imranzaidi6 on February 15, 2011 The dances and songs have always been an integral part of almost all the
films of Indian Film Industry as,besides entertainment,they represented the
multiple finer dimensions of artistic forms.Traditional 'mujara' and folk
dances were mostly a part of Indian films prior to,may be,60's.Then cabaret
dance,which was unique to the cinema,found its place in the films. Although
it is essentially Indian,it does draw upon inspiration from Western dance
forms of the 60's as well. (contd below)
MrJoethedead on February 15, 2011 Adorable...
nargis44 on March 27, 2011 Love this song !! Helen at her best .. She looks so sweet.
Truly a rare retro gem by Usha Khanna. Thanks for sharing.