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Instrumental Songs

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Comments on song "Moments And Centers"
Surabhi Sharma on May 01, 2012
MUSIC to my ears :)
Meghaditya Roy Chaudhury on June 17, 2012
Amogha Dalvi on September 12, 2012
This is for you Shankar- have you ever loved anything in your life more
than creating music? Because your love is infectious! :) Thankyou so so
much. this is beautiful.
leopardspots2004 on September 28, 2012
I don't think that metaphor applies when you're actually listening to music.
chichulearning on December 02, 2012
amazing breath control!! mighty lungs u have!! buying all ur compositions
right away!! :)
Shyamala Hiriyanna on April 14, 2013
japanesesen on June 06, 2013
I am totally blown away!!! You are a "Gem."
Pascal. Abida on June 20, 2013
Merveilleux ! Ce morceau me laisse sans voix !!!
Pascal. Abida on July 15, 2013
Listening it in loop mode.Mindblowing !!!
naveenchenna on August 12, 2013
Music filled with full of awesomeness and thank you for what you are doing
sajwa aslam on September 22, 2013
superlike* ! <3
Shivangi Surana on December 19, 2013
You're a superstar Shankar!
sp prakash on March 02, 2014
J'aime votre music .super.
Sandeep Doshi on April 22, 2014
cant believe i missed this one. Awesome.
shubhankar Bhattacharjee on July 19, 2014
plz upload more...dying to hear more
Oma Maraj on November 26, 2014
you are very talented...i wish you all the best and look foward to seeing
you suceed :)
Sriranjani Narayanan on August 13, 2015
DEVENDRA PANDEY on October 11, 2015
Awesome...I like each and every music video uploaded by Shankar Tucker
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