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Comments on song "Pehla Pehla Pyar Hai Ye Pehla Pehla Pyar"
rumahale on January 19, 2009 The scene just reminds of old days when we used to roam in the coast in
native place .. full of scenic beauty. Oh! those casurina beaches, shipping
boats, nets and of course fragrance (?) of fish. Thanks for the upload.
yuanyuanyuanyin on January 19, 2009 I felt like been to a sea beach when reading your nice comment. Only thing what is missing is sea breeze!!!
Thank you, my friend.
rumahale on January 19, 2009 Oh! I really forgot. It is equally important and refreshing. Thanks for
Sukesh Hoogan on February 12, 2009 I must point out that the singer is Suman Kalyanpur and not Lata
Mangeshkar. Regards
yuanyuanyuanyin on February 12, 2009 You are absolutely correct, my friend and thank you very much for pointing this out. I really appreciate it and just corrected the mistake.
Take care.
V. Siddhartha on April 23, 2010 The overflowing, zestful expression of sweet romance vocally by SK and
visually by Sadhana has my eyes and ears transfixed on the screen. I said
overflowing and zestful ,yet there's not a trace of vulgar exhibitionism in
the cllip, so the scene remains firmly within the bounds of traditional
Indian cultural parameters. This is what I absolutely adore about our old
movies, stars, and songs. Living in the present, I happily roam the past.
Thanks, Suhanee.
V. Siddhartha on April 23, 2010 @chamogaa . Oops, I should have said, Yuan. I saw your upload at the same
time as Suhanee's ,so my thanks to you both indeed.
yuanyuanyuanyin on April 24, 2010 - Thank you my dear Professor for the beautiful comment.
Thanks to the facility given by You Tube, that we can see a "new trend" in many of our friendly viewers comments, nowadays. They kind of "compare" the present and the past and praising the past, naturally.
We never had this opportunity until You Tube started this, hence thanking the YT too.
Hope you got what I was trying to say!
Thank you again my dear Professor and take care.
RealMusicKing on August 18, 2010 Hello Yuan. TY. Suman has sung some nice songs.
The scene just reminds of old days when we used to roam in the coast in
native place .. full of scenic beauty. Oh! those casurina beaches, shipping
boats, nets and of course fragrance (?) of fish. Thanks for the upload.