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Comments on song "Raste Ka Maal Saste Me"
armitastic on March 17, 2009
Outdoor dancing as a means of generating income for one's and one's family's support never looked this good until Sridevi came to the scene with full force and started calling the shots!!!! If there have been acrobatic dance clips incorporated into the context of films for centuries, then Sri (along with Hema) have redefined it and integrated their own unique twist to it, in the end, creating one interesting and ineffable video for the audience's pleasure!!!!! Totally unmatched!!!!!
armitastic on March 17, 2009
As a five-year-old child, this film and the song were my introduction to the wonderful world of Sridevi!!!! As a child - and even now as a young adult - I totally cherished this film as though it were the last piece of acting I were to encounter in my entire life:) Part of that was due to the beautiful casting of the film, and the remaining was due to Sridevi's exquisite performance of an innocent girl who tried everything in her power to help her father, only to find herself fail.
armitastic on March 17, 2009
Perhaps if this role were to be offered to another actress, I would not receive the exact feeling of sorrow and grief while watching a naive and helpless young woman, in an attempt to keep her father alive from both his fatal sickness to her mean and cruel stepmother. I may try to be articulate and eloquent with my description, but truly, mere words are not enough to fully capture the magic of Sri in this film - "Aulad." What a way to be introduced to A GRADE-A TOP LEGEND!!!!!
armitastic on March 17, 2009
I was also amused by Jeetendra's portrayal of a millionaire, who, granted his financial status and power, was able to assist a hapless woman - in turn, marrying her for nothing but love:) The wife impersonator truly became his wife toward the end:) Their chemistry was at its peak as well. Notwithstanding the fact that Jaya and Jeetu have also been paired in the past, he made a more believable pair with Sri; their chemistry was at its absolute best!!!!!
armitastic on March 17, 2009
I love the choreography of this certain clip, totally adore her beautiful dance outfits and hair accessories, and cannot help but laugh at her funny antics:) She's just too hot to handle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a child I loved this video so much, that I had memorized her dance steps - and would actually enact them for others:) Takes me back to the yesteryears - surely!!!
armitastic on March 17, 2009
Dost, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for uploading this video and taking me back to my childhood:) Gone, but never forgotten!!! I would also add that Usha Mangeshkar does justice to Sridevi with her beautiful and sweet voice! Great lady!!!! Thank you!!!
Halimali on March 18, 2009
your most welcome armitastic. glad u liked the song
Halimali on March 18, 2009
totally agree with though in Himmat aur Mehnat she played a poor woman too
but both characters were totally unique and different from eachother
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