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Comments on song "Rum Rum Whisky"
Shashank Sharma on March 31, 2013 Are You here to listen a Song or Prove n Show off your Punjabi Patriotism ?
786Demigod on April 01, 2013 2:16 was that Gangnam Style,John?
TasmanVideos on June 25, 2013 or maybe Hitler was the main reason the British left?
KaBhi18 on July 13, 2013 Lol you're joking right? Besides English is a mixture of so many languages.
Umesh Shimpi on January 30, 2014 Oye Bunty daaru di gaddi kitthe hai
heera chouhan on June 23, 2014 nice video joon
RaB Da MalAnG on July 29, 2014 nyc song
Anisa Begum on October 29, 2014 This song <3
SANKET KAMBLE on February 11, 2015 That moment when producer looks hunk and takes the attention from all the
other actors... John Rocks
Pundarik Kashyap on October 02, 2015 How good looking a man John is!
Are You here to listen a Song or Prove n Show off your Punjabi Patriotism ?