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Comments on song "Tutak Tutak Tutiyan I Love You (Male)"
glachhu on July 12, 2008
thanks so much for posting..I saw this film when I was 6 years old and have
never forgotten it.
z34uk on July 15, 2008
What film is this and who stars in it??
kaakhakaakha on December 10, 2008
WOW ...i was luking for this song for a long time ...thanks a lot uploading
it !!
Deewana Khan on December 17, 2008
Classic tune. Neelam is beautiful
LaReina DelMundo on January 11, 2009
tutak tutak tutak tutiya...I LOVE U!!! sik song lol...wuch da film its
wicked..itl make u cry!!! so deep he fed da cake to da wrong guy!!!
Nalee Vang on February 05, 2009
oh my god!! i love this movie! he is so hot!!!
yuvraj01 on February 03, 2010
I wonder why Malkit Singh never captialised on his popularity to not
venture into the world of Bollywood, if the likes of Chuni Singh, Bally
Sagoo, etc, tried their hand at it, why not Malkit?
roz gates on March 22, 2010
ghar ka chiraag
N Zaman on April 17, 2010
I remember this movie. It was amazing.
Nalee Vang on January 29, 2012
tevfik büyükay on January 13, 2013
ben bu filmin türkçe alt yazısını istyorum
YoutubeMan on March 02, 2014
He is calling the child Tutiya on his Bday and Rajesh Khanna is not
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