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Comments on song "Ye Daagh Daagh Ujala (Part-2)"
Rahul Gupta on September 25, 2010 Can someone explain this song in more lucid language
TheUrdupoets on January 18, 2011 @rahulgupta75 I have found this translation on the net : Ye daagh daagh
ujaalaa, ye shab-gaziida sahar, Vo intizaar thaa jis-kaa, ye vo sahar to
nahiiN, Ye vo sahar to nahiiN jis-kii aarzu lekar Chale the yaar ke
mil-ja`egi kahiiN na kahiN Bahut ‘aziiz thii lekin rukh-e-sahar ki lagan,
Bahut qariin thaa hasiinaN-e-nuur kaa daaman, , Subuk subuk thii tamannaa,
dabii dabii thii thakan
TheUrdupoets on January 18, 2011 @rahulgupta75 Abhii giraanii-e-shab meN kamii nahiiN aa’ii,
Nijaat-e-diidaa-o-dil ki ghaRii nahiiN aa’ii; Chale-chalo ke vo manjil
abhii nahiiN aa’ii
TheUrdupoets on January 18, 2011 @rahulgupta75 This leprous daybreak, dawn night’s fangs have mangled – This
is not that long-looked-for break of day, Not that clear dawn in quest of
which those comrades Set out, believing that in heaven’s wide void But
dearer was the lure of dawn’s bright cheek, Closer her shimmering robe of
fairy rays; Light-winged that longing, feather-light that toil.
TheUrdupoets on January 18, 2011 @rahulgupta75 Night’s heaviness is unlessened still, the hour Of mind and
spirit’s ransom has not struck; Let us go on, our goal is not reached yet.
Can someone explain this song in more lucid language