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Lyrics of Bathukamma - बठुकम्मा
We will add the lyrics of the song in due course.

Most probably, we have not yet updated the lyrics due to non-availablity of audio or video of the song.

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Movie Film Cast Singer Lyricist Composer Director Producer
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan (2023)
Salman Khan, Pooja Hegde, Venkatesh Daggubati, Jagapathi Babu, Raghav Juyal, Jassie Gill, Siddharth Nigam, Shehnaaz Gill, Palak Tiwari, Vinali Bhatnagar, Rohini Hattangady, Bhumika Chawla, Satish Kaushik, Aasif Sheikh, Tej Sapru, Vijender Singh, Abhimanyu Singh, Parag Tyagi, Amit Tiwari, Vajja Venkata Giridhar, Ramesh Thagubothu, Mona Bedre, Riddhi Sharma, Sanagarapu Himapriya, Sanagarapu Himasriya, Tanikella BharaniKamaal Khan, Palak Muchhal, Sajid Wajid, Salman Khan, Devi Sri Prasad, Yo Yo Honey Singh, Neha Bhasin, Santhosh Venky, Ravi Basrur, Airaa Udupi, Harini Ivaturi, Sucheta Basrur, Vijayalaxmi Mettinahole, Sukhbir, Vishal Dadlani, Payal Dev, RaftaarDevi Sri Prasad, Kumaar, Sajid II, Shabbir Ahmed, Raftaar, Ravi Basrur, Kinnal Raj, Harini IvaturiAmaal Mallik, Devi Sri Prasad, Himesh Reshammiya, Payal Dev, Ravi Basrur, Sajid II, SukhbirSalma KhanFarhad Samji
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