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Comments on song "Genesis Theme"
Justin Young on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Niekka, If you have some experience with Wordpress and you can install and
configure themes and plugins yourself then you shouldn't have any problems.
The nice thing about Studiopress is they have a very helpful technical
forum where I can usually find the answers to my questions without too much
mommywithaplan on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 I'm very technically challenged but if I bought a theme that uses Genesis
and them bought Genesis will a person like me be able to set up my website.
I want to change my site and it will cost me a lot of money to do it. I
would rather do it myself but I'm scared I will have a very hard time.
mommywithaplan on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Thank you Justin! I appreciate your help and your fast response.
Justin Young on Saturday, October 26, 2013 Yes, you can use the framework and theme for multiple websites.
Justin Young on Saturday, October 26, 2013 Thank you for the kind words. Glad I could help.
Niekka, If you have some experience with Wordpress and you can install and
configure themes and plugins yourself then you shouldn't have any problems.
The nice thing about Studiopress is they have a very helpful technical
forum where I can usually find the answers to my questions without too much