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Comments on song "Mahaganapatim (Jam)"
kēśhav rāj on April 03, 2006
thanks pal it from the movie morning raaga..well have u watched the award
winning movie "dance like a man" features more of this kind of
songs...trying to find the dvd of it. hehe
INDI(A)GESTÃO on July 04, 2006
I loved this film! Great Bollywood stuff!
AungPhyoe on October 05, 2006
I love and respect to Shabana Azmi!
AungPhyoe on October 05, 2006
Can u upload Full movie?
uptothe on January 12, 2007
wow! greatmovie n great songs... Mahaganapathim- composed in "Gambeera
uptothe on March 25, 2007
dude,, this is sung for a soundtrack,, so its aturally gonna loose the
depth,,n for Shabana's actin,, she is form north idndia n caratic musicians
have a diff body language, she did a great job tryin to establish th't...
One more thing,, Wh't do u mean by "deep Caratic Classical"?? caratic music
can b improvised in anyway, n this is jus one of th't.
pakhrat1 on March 28, 2007
what raaga is this can smeone tell me the name of this raaga . I think it
is bhupali . thank you .
donbradman on April 01, 2007
The movie was actually quite awful. The "in your face" dialogues and direction, lack of subtlity in handling the subject and over the top performances all ruin a potentially good subject. Despite some hummable music, it falls flat due to poor treatment. A big disappointment. Shabana, for all her talents, fails to emote the body language and mannerisms of a trained Carnatic singer. Just watch her left hand in this song. The only saving grace is Jayashree's voice.
uptothe on April 12, 2007
gambeera nattai,,right??? to be more specific!
papyrus16 on June 13, 2007
what movie is this?
salmaji on June 19, 2007
the actress playied in umrao jaan..u know?
salmaji on June 19, 2007
i think i dont know if i am wrong...
NS Iyer on June 20, 2007
she is shabana azmi the hindi actress i know i her very well
salmaji on June 20, 2007
so she played in umrao jaan movie?
crayzidesi on August 16, 2007
this is in natai(technical name gambhira natai)...and..the song is sung by
bombay jayashree..the scale is SRGMPD,NS SNPMRS although, the D is usually
not used
flw882001 on September 01, 2007
The western fusion part looks like someone yelling from the background.The song sung by Bombay Jayasree is very good.
Dancing Devi on October 10, 2007
Where I can find the original or full-length version of this song?
Pimezon Mezon on December 05, 2007
awesome?! wthell you guys smoking? this is horrible. they made a divine
song into some pop song. its not fusion. its abusion.
sophie tremblay on December 14, 2007
living in the past stop the progression of the human being
Pimezon Mezon on December 19, 2007
and killing divinity in the name of experimenting is progression? well it
means we are progressing towards doom. there is a reason why people hate
remixes... this is one such example.
sophie tremblay on December 19, 2007
it is not killing it is representing it in another way Do you actually
believe that religion should stay the same for always?? Comment pourrais-tu
accomplir cela le monde change et les religions aussi où elles périssent,
car il n'y a plus personne pour y croire How could you accomplish that? the
world changes and religions too or they die and there is no persons to
believe in them anymore
irfanpathan101 on January 03, 2008
I like this. And for all those who disagree, keep in mind that music is not
divided as "carnatic" and "everything else". Fusion music can be quite
pleasing to listen to if done properly. This is artistic freedom. Nobody
bring divinity into the matter, because just by adding some extra vocals
and another rhythm, the divine nature of the song isn't disappearing. The
lyrics are still there.
irfanpathan101 on January 09, 2008
That's ridiculous. Music is universal. Why can't something both be divine
and a "funky jam"? There is no rule against it. Who are you to decide what
is and is not divine? I think this song beautifully portrays the notion
that things don't have to be so separate in the world. A little unity will
do us all some good.
irfanpathan101 on January 20, 2008
Well then clearly you don't understand how to listen to music. I find this
song to be a perfect balance between spirituality and Western
instrumentals. When I listen to this, I don't find the instruments to
hinder the meaning of the lyrics. Good listeners will be able to appreciate
both styles and show no bias. Just because you are unable to listen to the
lyrics and melody at the same time doesn't mean all of us are.
Vivek Sreedharan on April 07, 2008
Mind blowing mix and Bombay Jayshree's voice just creates magic.
panchamkauns on April 16, 2008
kqs92 on April 19, 2008
Shabana Azmi an icon of social, cultural and religious secularism.
Venu Gopal on June 04, 2008
last part...perfect...bombay jayashree voice rite?
Nirmal Natarajan on July 13, 2008
Shabana Azmi spoils her surroundings by coming up with such experiments.
First of all we don't see her as an Indian lady. This rendition completely
destroyed the good nature of the original song. What on earth forced her to
direct such things?
thodilover on July 18, 2008
hey, man, maybe you are an accomplished carnatic singer and that is why you
could probably pick this apart. For someone like me (AGCD - American Grown
Confused Desi), I thought it was wonderful. Yes, I respect your personal
views about Shanaba; you are rightfully entitled to it. However, I still
didn't understand your comments about her 'not being an Indian'. Thanks for
your comments.
thodilover on July 18, 2008
Request to thinknirmal: Could you tell me the names of the Tamil musicians
who actually sang the song - 1) Taye Yashoda 2) Mathey 3) Mahaganapathim
Thank you.
Nirmal Natarajan on July 18, 2008
1. Thaaye Yashoda: Sudha Raghunathan & Ranjani Ramakrishnan 2. Maathey:
Sudha Raghunathan & Kalyani Menon 3. Maha Ganapathim: Bombay Jayashree Hope
that helps. Kudos for your interest over music!
schopenhauersring on July 27, 2008
Athana is the raga used, not Nattai. Please correct the description. :)
thodilover on July 28, 2008
Hey kranthibo! Looks like you don't understand English, man! Go back and
re-read my question: I was asking about the musicians who happened to be
Tamilians; not the songs! I was told that the women who sang these were
Tamilians and I wanted their names! Before you write sarcastic remarks,
make sure you understand!! Ok, Bro?!
sabadon7 on August 06, 2008
anything that is pure cannot be destroyed. this is just an adaptation to bring out the creative potential in oneself
MangoSowmya on September 03, 2008
It actually is Nattai, not Atana.
uptothe on September 28, 2008
carnatic music makes me soo happy!!:)
schopenhauersring on October 14, 2008
You're absolutely right. It is in Nattai after all.
kaakhakaakha on December 25, 2008
Shabana Aazmi has sung this song ... omg ..she is soo gud !!
takla3210 on December 26, 2008
Lip syncing the swara prasthara was quite impressive.
r8rdarklord on December 27, 2008
Absolutely, the western music appears as disturbance to a beautiful song.
The percussion piece sounds like high school players playing basketball in
an indoor stadium.
Pimezon Mezon on December 30, 2008
We been eating by mouth since we evolved. Why dont we try to progress and
eat through Anus? this is how your argument sounds.
r8rdarklord on January 21, 2009
That was Rekha if you are talking about the old Umrao Jaan movie.
FlyingTaurus on April 22, 2009
its bombay jayshree who sang this.shove it back in your A**.LoL
yvrhyr on May 25, 2009
What does the whole cheesy rock thing add anyway?. If you mute the voice it
is just a beat pattern nothing to complement the song.
George Everette on September 14, 2009
If you really hate it, it might be great art because great art evokes great
emotion. Not my cup of tea... but I can't dismiss it. I"m faving it to see
why I dislike it. Liked the lead voice, but hated the younger supporting
voice's wailing, yet they compliment each other like two gloves. It does
hit a nerve. Why? Never saw the movie.
tanglishqueen101 on October 19, 2009
i actually like the fusion cuz it gives the song a reason to tap your feet when listening:) but regardless this song is beautiful...really love it <3
Vijai Kumar on December 15, 2009
I agree. This is Horrible. An embarrassment to the sacred rendition of Raag.
FallaNight on February 11, 2010
I hate the fusion but she by herself.. sounds soo good.. it sends chills thru me...
94Butterscotch on April 15, 2010
I find it great and cool!!
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